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Writer's pictureCoach Whitney

Join our November 2020 Challenge!

It is almost November and we bet you didn't think as many people would be wearing masks for so many months leading up to Halloween, did you??? #bad2020joke

On a very serious note (just briefly, because we all need to laugh more these days) if this pandemic has taught us anything it is how TRULY important and precious our health really is.


​The past few months have been like watching a movie and I think that the popcorn is now stale, our drinks have very much run out and we are all ready for the final credits to start scrolling!

The other day at the studio we were talking about the lifestyle stages of the pandemic.

Stages 1 - The world is truly going to end so I must by all the canned foods, chips and snacks I possibly can. Oh, and toilet paper in case it gets really bad.

Stage 2 - I MUST learn how to bake bread (why have I never done this before?), cinnamon buns and my family NEEDS me to make chocolate chip cookies (sometimes daily...).

Stage 3 - THANK GOD they didn't close the beer store or liquor stores. Obviously it is now time to stock up just in case they do!

Stage 4 - I am feeling 'fluffy these days' with the cinnamon buns and extra booze so since my gym is closed I will start running and play tennis (even though I don't know how to do either) and of 'course' I should start playing golf.

Stage 5 - WOW. THIS is what happens when you don't exercise, eat real food and closing your laptop after a zoom call is the most strength training you've done since March 2020..

If any of this is ringing a bell, don't worry you're not alone!

We have had SO many conversations as of late about how getting back into a fitness routine is particularly hard and challenging this year. I get it!

So after this hilarious conversation at the studio, and after a pretty crazy past few months we wanted to challenge you to close out 2020 from a position of strength and empowerment and it's time to take back control over something we NEED to be in control of, our health!

Isn't it time to get back to MOVING better, EATING better, TRAINING better and FEELING better

We invite you to join us for our November 2020 Challenge!

Hindsight is 2020 (my other #bad2020joke) BUT why don't we work on rewriting this movie to have an EPIC ending when it comes to our health and fitness!

Why don't we band together and look back at this year from a position of strength versus one of weakness!

Why don't we focus on the challenges and hardships that we overcame and the lessons we have learned?

What if we focused on forgetting about the routines and schedules we lost and focus on what we have learned and the new routines we could gain?

What if we started focusing on taking back the control that we DO have over our health and wellbeing?

Sure, I won't lie, 2020 has been one epic roller coaster ride BUT let's head into the next year feeling strong, fit, healthy and happy!

We definitely deserve it!

Join us for our November Challenge and let's make the ending of this movie one epic comeback story!


*OUR November 30 Day Nutrition/Mindset/Movement Plan designed to get you back to feeling your very best. We have been helping our members transform their mind and bodies for over a decade and we want to help you discover our BEST strategies for success!

*UNLIMITED COACHING & SUPPORT from our entire coaching team of movement, fitness, rehabilitation and nutrition coaches. We are HERE to support you!

*JOIN THE BEST COMMUNITY you will ever be a part of. Our online and in studio community is made up of the most kind, supportive, positive and inspirational humans I know. It's why we love what we do!

Program Price: $39.00


TT ONLINE - Join us from ANYWHERE on the planet!

Join our TT Online community and have full access to our Challenge included in your November Membership Fee!!! Find out more about our TT Online Platform by clicking HERE


$85 - $425 *Prices range based on your training needs.

Enjoy full access to our November Challenge Program PLUS our TT Online Platform PLUS train with our coaches onsite with the following options available:

1. Join us for a 1 month unlimited semi-private training membership with THE best fitness community! Options for a special one month membership can be found HERE

2. Book your private team training session with your current bubble! Click HERE for more info.

3. Find out more about our private one on one training and semi-private training options while participating in the challenge! Click HERE for more info .



We are SO Excited to help you feel better and head into the Christmas Season and final few weeks of 2020 feeling, moving and living better!

- Coach Whitney



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